School Popup Shop Tuesday 24th August 2021 from 12-3pm.
On Tuesday 24th August, there will be a pop up shop in Tallaght Community School from 12-3 to purchase the PE school uniform. School wearhouse will have all their stock on site to purchase the school PE top and tracksuit bottoms.
- The tops will be available at the cost of €29.95.
- The tracksuit bottoms are available at the cost of €19.95
Students attending school in full school uniform is a crucial part of setting high standards in our school. This creates a sense of belonging as the students represent their school. It also instils a life skill in our students as they prepare for future education, training and careers where dress code plays an essential part in their professional conduct.
Students may wear the new PE top and School tracksuit bottoms to school only on the day they have PE; students cannot wear any other top or bottoms on PE days.
We hope that all our students will be prepared for the return to school by having a full uniform and a full PE uniform for school.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support in this matter.