Tallaght Community School

Act Up Festival

Act Up Festival

My name is Hollie and I am a 2nd year who is a member of the Act-Up drama group. This is a fantastic group for students who might be interested in drama, acting or just getting involved in backstage work. This year we have a huge 53 people in the group. Amongst them, some people are actors, whereas others found jobs in their area of interest like being an artist, a stage manager, sound technician, light technician or a stage director. Some people wanted to be on stage but didn’t want any lines so tried out being dancers.

For the last few months we have been meeting every Wednesday after school to practice. All of our work has been to prepare for the Act– Up festival which took place on Saturday 27th April. This took place in the Civic Theatre and all of our friends and family came to watch us perform. To prepare for this, everyone had their own job. The artists were in charge of making the signs and the fake flowers. The stage managers had to look after props and getting people on and off the stage. The sound people had the important job of picking and putting on the different songs. Then, the stage director had the job of looking after everyone backstage. Our play centred all around the theme of ‘the Circus’. It was great fun and I really enjoyed being part of it. I would definitely do it again next year and recommend it to other students.

By: Hollie Pollard O’ Shea


Balrothery, Dublin 24, D24 X759, Ireland.
01 451 5566
© 2025 Tallaght Community School