College Awareness Week took place here in TCS from
the 20th to the 24th of November and it was an action-packed
week with something for everyone. There was a range of
speakers over the course of the week from Trinity, DCU, UCD,
TUD, Maynooth and Crumlin College. From these our
students heard about the range of courses on offer, potential
careers and how to apply.
The week kicked off with speakers for our 5th and 6th
years and then later our LCA 5 and 6 groups also learned
about courses and apprenticeships in Tallaght Training
Centre from Linda Wynne. Speakers from Trinity Access told
our 6th years all about the supports available from the Trinity
Access Programme. Our Transition Year girls were also
invited to the Female in Tech Expo where they got to
opportunity to speak to lots of women with careers in this
area. The week also brought the opportunity for some of our
students to go to TUD Tallaght to partake in an engineering
workshop. Here they got the chance to work hands-on in the
labs with some of the equipment.
We were also lucky enough to have a visit from three
members of our country’s defence forces. Students heard
about their experiences of working with the army and what to
expect from this career. Another highlight of the week was
when 3 of our past pupils returned to speak to our Junior
students about their college life so far. This has become a
lovely tradition to get our junior students thinking early about
opportunities available to them. We finished the week with a
fun quiz for our 1st year students on all things college related.
What a successful week it was with lots of food for
thought for our students on career paths ahead of them.