On the 27th of October, we held a fancy dress day to raise money for the charity Shannon’s Hopeline. It was the 5th year group who decided to organise this day and we thought this would be a very worthy charity. It is the first time that our school has done this for Halloween so we weren’t sure whether it would be a success. The idea started when a group of us fifth years went to our year head asking about if we could dress up for Halloween, as we are too old to go trick or treating but we still want to participate in the holiday. We brought the idea to Mr. Lynch and next thing we knew the planning was starting. We put together a group of fifth years to form a committee so everything would be organized. The day finally came, and we were unsure of how it was going to go. Most people dressed up, including the teachers, and everybody’s moods were uplifted. The vibe around the school was amazing with so many great costumes that made the day in school so exciting. We ended up raising around €800 for Shannon’s Hopeline. It was such a fun day and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!