Tallaght Community School

Visit of Minister Simon Harris to TCS

Visit of Minister Simon Harris to TCS

Yesterday on Monday 22 November, we launched College Awareness Week (CAW) at TCS!

CAW is a nationwide campaign promoting the benefits of going to college and helping ALL students to become college-ready! Here at TCS, we want all our students to understand the benefits of going to college and highlight all the opportunities available to them.

Running all week from 22-26 November 2021, we have lots of activities and events planned in school. To launch the event yesterday we were delighted to welcome Trinity Access and Simon Harris TD, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

During the launch event we heard from Mr. Lynch and two past pupils who shared about their college stories, Jack Keating and Adam Mc Dowell. Minister Harris also spoke, sharing the importance of further education and the significance of planting a willow tree, that represents hope, a sense of belonging and safety which is so important for our students. He was presented with gifts from LCA 6 Christopher Higgins and also spoke to our student council members.

What a wonderful way to launch CAW! There is an action-packed week ahead with talks from past pupils, webinars, college visits and workshops. We look forward to an exciting week ahead.







Balrothery, Dublin 24, D24 X759, Ireland.
01 451 5566
© 2025 Tallaght Community School