Tallaght Community School

Work Experience in the Criminal Courts of Justice

Work Experience in the Criminal Courts of Justice

Hi! My name is Jessica Molloy and here is my wonderful experience at the Criminal Courts of Justice.

On the introduction day, after going through security we were greeted by Barrister Darren Lalor. We were informed that we would be shadowing him throughout our journey at the Criminal Courts of Justice (CCJ). Darren immediately incapsulated Ruslana and I with his storytelling and advice. He then brought us up to his office on the sixth floor to put his barrister apparel on. He then showed us around the general building and gave us a tour of each section of court. I didn’t realise how many sections are within the court system. There are four district courts, then the circuit court, the high court, court of appeal and finally, the supreme court. Now here comes the exciting part.We were allowed into the circuit court to watch a real case happen, and we watched people get sentenced to prison! Well, exciting in certain aspects...That was all for the first day.

The second day wasn’t as amusing. We got held up in court four of the district court the entirety of the day, as Darren had clients due to be brought before the judge. We did meet some lovely barristers and solicitors along the way and helped give a TY class a tour. Passing each floor on the elevator, I witnessed lots of jury’s and guards surrounding the building.

On the third and final day (my favourite day!) we had such a busy schedule. Darren had a coffee and chat with us before heading into the district court. Luckily his clients appeared before the judge earlier than the second day. We then got the amazing chance to go down to the underground holding cells and take a tour!! we were introduced to two officers at the entrance whilst we headed down underneath the CCJ to the cells. as the elevator doors opened, we were greeted with red and white walls and doors. As we ventured into the hallway, we walked past many interrogation rooms and prison cells. We got the chance to step inside the cells and one of the officers showed us the mechanics of the door locks. It felt like a film scene. Some real incarcerated people did walk past (in cuffs of course). We just kept our heads down with respect. the officers seemed scary and intimidating at first but all of them were lovely and welcoming. My favourite part was when they showed us the prison vans and allowed us to sit inside the cells and shut the door! It was quite loud once they slammed it shut (and claustrophobic).

After our tour of the underground, me, Ruslana and Darren made our final stop to the Four Courts. The atmosphere was a lot different in that court. The interior and exterior were a lot more beautiful if I must say so myself. He then had a final chat with us, gave our reports and said his farewell. Bringing my story to an end, I loved every second of the experience from the moment I stepped foot into the CCJ. I am forever thankful for the opportunity and for Darren’s wise words.

Jessica Molloy and Ruslana Karmizina TY1


Balrothery, Dublin 24, D24 X759, Ireland.
01 451 5566
© 2025 Tallaght Community School