We are an ASF recognised school since 2016. The Active Schools Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland. The award recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.
At TCS, the Active School Committee manages the implementation of Physical Education/Physical Activity/and Partnerships with community programs. One of the highlights of the process is our annual active and wellbeing schools week which takes place over the last week of January. Themes explored through the active school week in recent years include, connecting with the outside world and the healing power of nature.
This year each student in our school was given the opportunity to experience one of Dublin's many recreational hikes. The ultimate aim was to improve the students’ knowledge of free, recreational spaces in their locality including; the Hellfire Club and Ticknock.
The school is always a hub of activity during this important week in the school calender to include; hikes, yoga classes, meditation, healthy cooking classes and a recipe competition.
As part of our partnership with ASF, we host a sports day at TCS during the final week of the school year. It is a day filles with fun, games and the BBQ is usually fired up for lunch!