Tallaght Community School

Guidance & Counselling

Guidance Counselling in Tallaght Community School is offered to all students. The service aims to help students to develop an awareness and acceptance of their talents and abilities; explore possibilities and opportunities; grow in independence and take responsibility for themselves; make informed choices about their lives and follow through on those choices.

Ms Griffin and Ms Cawley provide endless opportunities to our students for example; college awareness week, college trip visits, attending apprenticeship workshops, inviting speakers to our school to share career experiences, linking students to our mentoring programmes; with the Business in the Community Initiative, Inspiring the Future Ireland Programme, Trinity Access Programme and UCD Future You Programme.

Here is a link to Ms. Griffins Guidance website: https://padlet.com/eilishgriffin1/guidance-senior-cycle-1y9wo65f4x729rp2 . https://careersportal.ie/careerguidance/office.php?school_id=176

The Guidance Counsellor, in the interest of students and to provide an appropriate guidance service, liaises with the Care Team including the Principal and Deputy Principals, Class and Subject Teachers. Regular contact is also made with Parents, Employers, Colleges and the Department of Education and Skills.

The role of the Guidance Counsellor may be categorised under the following headings

1. Career Guidance 2. Educational Guidance 3. Personal Guidance.

Career Guidance:

Choosing a career is a process that takes time. Throughout their second level education students are encouraged to consider seriously their career options. Students meet with the Guidance Counsellor on an individual basis where career plans are discussed in the light of the student’s interests, aptitudes, strengths and abilities. Areas covered can include:

· Interest inventories/aptitude tests.

· World of Work e.g. CV preparation, cover letter writing, application form filling, interview skills, job search, job retention skills, employment rights and responsibilities.

· Up-to-date computerised information on 3rd level courses in Ireland and the EU – entry requirements, course content, work load, progression route – this helps students choose the university/college course at home/or abroad most suitable to their needs and interests.

· CAO/UCAS system & application procedure.

· HEAR/DARE options & application process.

· PLC Courses.

· University/College Open Day Preparation.

· Preparation for 3rd level – lifestyle changes, independent/self-motivated learning, increase in personal responsibility, supports available.

· Grant Information/Scholarships.

Educational Guidance:

Topics such as study skills and exam techniques are discussed during guidance classes. Individual appointments are arranged for students who wish to discuss areas such as homework, subjects and levels, study skills and exam stress.

Personal Guidance:

Confidential guidance and counselling is available to any student who wishes to discuss personal difficulties. Sometimes reassurance and encouragement is all that is needed, at other times difficulties may be more complex and may require ongoing support.

Balrothery, Dublin 24, D24 X759, Ireland.
01 451 5566
© 2025 Tallaght Community School