Trinity Access 21 works with students, teachers and schools to help empower every young person to reach their full academic potential. Today, more than ever, a college education is necessary for a good quality of life and career opportunities. However, many groups and communities are still under-represented in higher education.
Tallaght Community School is lucky to be a link school with Trinity Colleges TA21 programme.
TA 21 works with TCS to:
- Get students involved in learning
- increase students’ interest in going to university
- improve students’ junior and leaving certificate exam results
- help create a college-going culture within the school
- encourage parents and guardians to support academic achievement among their children.
This is achieved numerous activates for example
- School visits
- Challenge days
- Med day
- Pathways to law
- Exploring options day,
- Revision courses, (Maths, English and Biology
- Educational achievement awards
- Summer school
- International Chemists School
- TY chemistry programme,
- Bridge 21
- University Times workshops
- Phil Society workshops
- College Tour
Who is involved: All year groups Link Teacher Ms O’Sullivan